jcb red skyscrapers


current issue

jcb, 2024, volume 23, issue 1

POEM: How Red Bull Got the Third ‘i’ | Ian FitzGerald
PROSE POEM: Envisaging Objects as Desires: Reflections on My Rendezvous with Objectum Sexuals | Karman Khanna
PHOTO-ESSAY: Walking in Philips Park: The Presence of Absence | Gary Warnaby
COMMENTARY: From Digital Myopia to Hyperopia | Mark Durkin
ESSAY: What For Art Thou, Marketing? | Morris B. Holbrook
ARTICLE: How to Co-opt Marketing Professors in 5 Easy Steps | William W. Keep
VIDEO-ESSAY: Head in the Clouds and Waste All Around | Jannsen Santana, Flavia Cardoso and Daiane Scaraboto
ARTICLE: Simplifying Complexity to Reveal the Profound | Beth DuFault
TALL TALE: Less is Lishlash | Lorcán Lismore
COMMENTARY: In the Line of Fire | Declan McGinty
PROSPECTUS: Lights in the Darkness | Phil Devine
POEM: Channelling as Introspection? | Author Unknown
POEM: Speaking Figuratively | Roel Wijland

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jcb aims to publish poems, essays, short stories, opinion pieces, commentaries, reviews and creatively written, ideally eclectic, academic articles. Read more to find out how to submit …

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