In keeping with the artistic ethos of jcb, ‘Editors’, ‘Associate Editors’ and the ‘Editorial Board’ have been rebranded as ‘Curators’, ‘Facilitators’ and ‘Curatorial Board’ respectively. Unlike many academic journals, our aim is to assist contributors not assail them.
Curator: Stephen Brown, Ulster University, UK
Deputy Curator: Sharon Ponsonby-McCabe, Ulster University, UK
Rachel Ashman, University of Liverpool, UK
Susan Dobscha, Bentley University, USA
Hilary Downey, Queen’s University Belfast, UK
Rungpaka Amy Hackley, Birkbeck, University of London, UK
Ian Fillis, Liverpool John Moores University, UK
Christopher Miles, Bournemouth University, UK
Mike Molesworth, University of Birmingham, UK
Jeff B. Murray, University of Arkansas, USA
Cele C. Otnes, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, USA
Anthony Patterson, Lancaster University, UK
Joonas Rokka, EMLYON Business School, France
John Schouten, Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada
Lorna Stevens, University of Bath, UK
Astrid Van den Bossche, King’s College London, UK
Gary Warnaby, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK
Curatorial Board
Domen Bajde, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark
Emma Banister, University of Manchester, UK
Roger Bennett, Kingston University, UK
Alan Bradshaw, Royal Holloway, University of London, UK
Barbara Caemmerer, ESSCA School of Management, France
Norah Campbell, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
Bernard Cova, Kedge Business School, France
Kent Drummond, University of Wyoming, USA
Mark Durkin, Ulster University, UK
James Fitchett, University of Leicester, UK
Michel Rod, University of New Brunswick, Canada
Pilar Rojas Gaviria, University of Birmingham, UK
Chris Hackley, Royal Holloway, University of London, UK
Kathy Hamilton, University of Strathclyde, UK
Morris B. Holbrook, Columbia University, USA
Mariam Humayun, University of Ottawa, Canada
Annamma Joy, University of British Columbia, Canada
Kaouther Kooli, Bournemouth University, UK
Clinton D. Lanier, University of St Thomas, USA
Gretchen Larsen, University of Durham, UK
Andrew Lindridge, Newcastle University, UK
Pauline Maclaran, Royal Holloway, University of London, UK
Malcolm McDonald, Cranfield University, UK
Lisa O’Malley, University of Limerick, Ireland
Maurice Patterson, University of Limerick, Ireland
Andrea Prothero, University College Dublin, Ireland
Jonathan Schroeder, Rochester Institute of Technology, USA
Mark Tadajewski, University of York, UK
Jennifer Takhar, Skema Business School, France
Helen Woodruffe-Burton, Edge Hill University, UK

Review Process
In order to streamline and speed up the review process, the Curators’ working assumption is that submitted articles etc. are ‘finished’ works of art.
They are as good as the creators can make them and thus publication-ready, in principle. They will be evaluated by the curators on that basis, in conjunction with subject-area facilitators and, when necessary, with relevant members of the curatorial board. Although necessary revisions will be accommodated, rapid decision-taking and speedy publication are jcb’s overriding aims.

Special Issues
jcb is the home of readable radical research and the Curators are keen to publish Special Issues that reinforce its 3Rs.
Potential topics, in the first instance, should be put to Stephen Brown. A draft Call for Papers will follow thereafter, containing relevant information on the research context, submission details, guest-curators’ contact details, etc. Once agreed, the curators of the SI will be granted full responsibility for the contents of the issue and ensuring that it complements JCB’s house style.