Although speculative submissions are not unwelcome, the best way to avoid disappointment is to contact jcb’s Curator beforehand: [email protected]. If your proposed contribution is a videography, or predominantly visual, do likewise with the Deputy Curator: [email protected]
Format for Contributions
As a general rule, full articles should be 6,000 words maximum, including references and illustrations. The same applies to short stories and photo-essays. Commentaries, reviews, observations, rejoinders and short pieces of approx. 2,000 words are especially welcome.
Poems are as long as they need to be. Videographies should be accompanied by a publishable essay outlining their rationale, purpose and point, or points, being made. Screenplays, artworks and similar items will be assessed on an ad hoc basis.
All contributions must be accompanied by a title page containing the authors’ names, addresses, affiliations and email details, with the contact creator indicated. Abstracts, key words and author biographies are not required.
Every contribution, except poetry, should be accompanied by a brief ‘teaser’ or ‘strapline’ of less than thirty words, which encapsulates the piece. Make it snappy.
Photographs and illustrations should be used sparingly – photo-essays etc. are exempt – and, if included, should be ‘print ready’, numbered sequentially using Arabic numerals and incorporate a brief title above the image.
Check that your contribution is ‘jcb-ready’ before submission. Note that the journal does not use Harvard-style referencing. jcb prefers the more readable Chicago system of superscript, endnote and bibliography. See our references page for more details.